More Rust Type

Study note

Jacob Xie published on
18 min, 3514 words

Categories: Note

Tags: Rust

Study note from Untapped potential in Rust's type system.

Warm up

Types are a very abstract concept.

In most of the languages, types are things used to describe variables' form, and some languages like Haskell, types are elements which have been endowed by black magic. As the author mentioned, the whole Haskell program seems like written in the type system itself, and what I've learned from Scala functional programing has the same idea. Be short, it is basically implementing some functional trait for a type, for example a F[_] who implemented def map can be treaded as a Functor (actually more complected than this).

Type has more meanings in Rust. With ownership system, we have immutable & and mutable &mut reference type, and we also have lifetime type such as 'static. But these are types working in compile time, which is not enough for runtime.

However, Rust offers ways to manually store type information which can be used also at runtime.

Which is saying a fat pointer, who actually points to a vtable, and is called a trait object in Rust. Sadly, a trait object has its' limitation, because as THE BOOK taught, it should obey object safe rules. Be brief, defining a trait for trait object needs to specify its methods' input and output size (coming with Sized trait tag).

Alright, here comes the part that is not taught in THE BOOK. The author introduces a crate from standard library, and it goes like:

use core::any::{Any, TypeId};

fn main() {
    let one_hundred = 100u32;
    // Get the type ID using a value of that type.
    let t0 = one_hundred.type_id();
    // Get the type ID directly.
    let t1 = TypeId::of::<u32>();

    assert_eq!(t0, t1);

A little bit curiosity comes from me when I print these variables:

t0: TypeId { t: 12849923012446332737 }
t1: TypeId { t: 12849923012446332737 }

What exactly a TypeId is? Then I look into its definition:

/// A `TypeId` represents a globally unique identifier for a type.
/// Each `TypeId` is an opaque object which does not allow inspection of what's
/// inside but does allow basic operations such as cloning, comparison,
/// printing, and showing.
/// A `TypeId` is currently only available for types which ascribe to `'static`,
/// but this limitation may be removed in the future.
/// While `TypeId` implements `Hash`, `PartialOrd`, and `Ord`, it is worth
/// noting that the hashes and ordering will vary between Rust releases. Beware
/// of relying on them inside of your code!
#[derive(Clone, Copy, PartialEq, Eq, PartialOrd, Ord, Debug, Hash)]
#[stable(feature = "rust1", since = "1.0.0")]
pub struct TypeId {
    t: u64,

Well šŸ¤”, it only works for 'static right now, and I thought it could not help us for now. But the author amazed me by using Box<dyn> syntax to create trait objects, so that a type can be compared by TypeId (full code):

use core::any::{Any, TypeId};
use std::ops::Deref;

struct Rectangle;
struct Triangle;

trait Shape: Any {}

impl Shape for Rectangle {}
impl Shape for Triangle {}

fn main() {
   let shapes: Vec<Box<dyn Shape>> =
       vec![Box::new(Rectangle), Box::new(Triangle), Box::new(Rectangle)];
   let n = count_rectangles(&shapes);
   assert_eq!(2, n);

fn count_rectangles(shapes: &[Box<dyn Shape>]) -> usize {
   let mut n = 0;
   for shape in shapes {
       // Need to derefernce once or we will get the type of the Box!
       let type_of_shape = shape.deref().type_id();
       if type_of_shape == TypeId::of::<Rectangle>() {
           n += 1;
       } else {
           println!("{:?} is not a Rectangle!", type_of_shape);

Here the Any trait provides a type_id() method, which is the key of identification. Similarly, the author provides another function that can be used for removing the first rectangle from a vector:

use core::any::{Any, TypeId};
use std::ops::Deref;

struct Rectangle;
struct Triangle;

trait Shape: Any {}

impl Shape for Rectangle {}
impl Shape for Triangle {}

fn main() {
   let mut shapes: Vec<Box<dyn Any>> =
       vec![Box::new(Rectangle), Box::new(Triangle), Box::new(Rectangle)];
   remove_first_rectangle(&mut shapes).expect("No rectangle found to be removed");

fn remove_first_rectangle(shapes: &mut Vec<Box<dyn Any>>) -> Option<Box<Rectangle>> {
   let idx = shapes
       .position(|shape| shape.deref().type_id() == TypeId::of::<Rectangle>())?;
   let rectangle_as_unknown_shape = shapes.remove(idx);

The difference between these two functions count_rectangles and remove_first_rectangle is there input argument. Not only the type's mutability but also the dyn trait object. For the second function, we can't use dyn Shape to replace dyn Any, because Shape trait doesn't have downcast method.

Here is the definition of downcast:

impl<A: Allocator> Box<dyn Any, A> {
    #[stable(feature = "rust1", since = "1.0.0")]
    /// Attempt to downcast the box to a concrete type.
    /// # Examples
    /// ```
    /// use std::any::Any;
    /// fn print_if_string(value: Box<dyn Any>) {
    ///     if let Ok(string) = value.downcast::<String>() {
    ///         println!("String ({}): {}", string.len(), string);
    ///     }
    /// }
    /// let my_string = "Hello World".to_string();
    /// print_if_string(Box::new(my_string));
    /// print_if_string(Box::new(0i8));
    /// ```
    pub fn downcast<T: Any>(self) -> Result<Box<T, A>, Self> {
        if<T>() {
            unsafe {
                let (raw, alloc): (*mut dyn Any, _) = Box::into_raw_with_allocator(self);
                Ok(Box::from_raw_in(raw as *mut T, alloc))
        } else {

That is to say, with downcast, we can 'transform' an Any type to some specific type.

Heterogenous Collection

However, directly passing Box<dyn Any> around is not always a good idea.

To avoid manual downcasting on the caller side, it can be hidden behind a generic function.

And here is an example, in where I made some changes, from the author's original code:

Click to expand
use std::{
    any::{Any, TypeId},

fn main() {
    // Before
    let mut collection = HeteroCollection::default();
    collection.set("name", "Jakob");
    collection.set("language", "Rust");
    collection.set("dominant hand", DominantHand::Right);

    let _name = collection.get::<&'static str>("name");
    let _language = collection.get::<&'static str>("language");
    let _dominant_hand = collection.get::<DominantHand>("dominant hand");

    println!("{:#?}", collection);

    // After
    let mut collection = SingletonCollection::default();

    let _name = collection.get::<Name>().0;
    let _language = collection.get::<Language>().0;
    let _dominant_hand = collection.get::<DominantHand>();

    println!("{:#?}", collection);

// Use string as key
#[derive(Default, Debug)]
struct HeteroCollection {
    data: HashMap<&'static str, Box<dyn Any>>,

impl HeteroCollection {
    pub fn get<T: 'static>(&self, key: &'static str) -> Option<&T> {
        let unknown_output: &Box<dyn Any> =;

    pub fn set<T: 'static>(&mut self, key: &'static str, value: T) {, Box::new(value));

// Use `TypeId` as key
#[derive(Default, Debug)]
struct SingletonCollection {
    data: HashMap<TypeId, Box<dyn Any>>,

impl SingletonCollection {
    pub fn get<T: Any>(&self) -> &T {[&TypeId::of::<T>()]

    pub fn set<T: Any>(&mut self, value: T) {<T>(), Box::new(value));

// For completeness: Type Definitions
struct Name(&'static str);
struct Language(&'static str);
pub enum DominantHand {

The well printed result:

HeteroCollection {
    data: {
        "name": Any { .. },
        "dominant hand": Any { .. },
        "language": Any { .. },
SingletonCollection {
    data: {
        TypeId {
            t: 16692126412618073318,
        }: Any { .. },
        TypeId {
            t: 13748357137106968353,
        }: Any { .. },
        TypeId {
            t: 13740187421581971802,
        }: Any { .. },

Clearly, the difference between these two structs is hashmap's key type: one is string and the other is TypeId. However, they work quit differently:

the type-key must be known at compile-time, whereas the string could be determined at runtime.

Amazing, isn't it? Not until I read an article about taxonomy, I realize this is actually solving a classic categorization problem.

In rust, there are three ways to achieve a categorizing design. The first one is to use Type & Trait, and this is done before compile, which means first of all we describe concrete types, and use trait to conclude them. The second one is Type<T: Trait>, and the last one is using Enum.

Let's look at the first method, and I use World of Warcrafts' role as an example:

fn main() {

struct Rogue;

struct Warrior;

pub trait Melee {
    fn base_attack(&self) -> usize;

impl Melee for Rogue {
    fn base_attack(&self) -> usize {

impl Melee for Warrior {
    fn base_attack(&self) -> usize {

fn attack_command<T: Melee>(role: T) {
    println!("hit: {:?} pts", role.base_attack())

The next demand is to implement upcast and downcast, which means a concrete type turns to a trait object and a trait object turns to a concrete type, respectively. A normal way to handle this problem is add downcast support to a trait, for example:

use std::any::Any;

fn main() {
    let foo = Warrior.as_any_ref();
    let bar = foo.downcast_ref::<Warrior>();
    println!("{:?}", bar);

struct Warrior;

pub trait Melee {
    fn base_attack(&self) -> usize;

    fn as_any_ref(&self) -> &dyn Any;

    fn as_any_mut(&mut self) -> &mut dyn Any;

impl Melee for Warrior {
    fn base_attack(&self) -> usize {

    fn as_any_ref(&self) -> &dyn Any {

    fn as_any_mut(&mut self) -> &mut dyn Any {

Ta-da! Simple and strait forward! And what about the second method? What exactly is a Type<T: Trait>?

fn main() {
    let warrior = Warrior {
        role: Melee,
        attack: Box::new(Attack1),

    println!("{:?}", warrior.attack.base_attack());

    let rogue = Rogue {
        role: Melee,
        attack: Attack2,

    println!("{:?}", rogue.attack.base_attack());

// Common parts
pub struct Melee;

pub trait Attack {
    fn base_attack(&self) -> usize;

// Case #1:
pub struct Warrior {
    pub role: Melee, // inherit from parent
    pub attack: Box<dyn Attack>,

// Case #2:
pub struct Rogue<T: Attack> {
    pub role: Melee, // inherit from parent
    pub attack: T,

// implementation of warrior's attack
struct Attack1;

impl Attack for Attack1 {
    fn base_attack(&self) -> usize {

// implementation of rogue's attack
struct Attack2;

impl Attack for Attack2 {
    fn base_attack(&self) -> usize {

No doubt, with Box case #1 works for runtime, and case #2 only suitable before compile. For the third method using enum is quite the same as case #2, which means they are all Sized so that categorizing only works before compile. Anyway, let's move on and see what dynamic type can do for us.


Then we come to the second part, use these techs in the real world.

What Iā€™m going to show you could be described as object-oriented message passing with the twist that types are used as object addresses and also for dynamic dispatch.

The purpose of using singleton objects with dynamic dispatch is to solve borrowing issue when a variable is sharable, especially sharable among threads. The normal way to handle this issue is to use Rc<RefCell> in sync env or Arc<RefCell> in async env.

Let's take a look the full code the author provides us. A little bit too long, so I collapsed it here:

Click to expand
struct MyObject {
   counter: u32,

struct MethodA;

struct MethodBWithArguments {
   text: String,

impl MyObject {
   fn method_a(&mut self, _arg: MethodA) {
       self.counter += 1;
           "Object invoked a method {} times. This time without an argument.",

   fn method_b(&mut self, arg: MethodBWithArguments) {
       self.counter += 1;
           "Object invoked a method {} times. This time with argument: {}",
           self.counter, arg.text

fn main() {
   /* registration */
   let obj = MyObject { counter: 0 };

   /* invocations */
   my_library::invoke::<MyObject, _>(MethodA);
   my_library::invoke::<MyObject, _>(MethodBWithArguments {
       text: "Hello World!".to_owned(),

   /* Output */
   // ...

mod my_library {
   use std::{
       any::{Any, TypeId},

   // Assume `register_object` and `register_method` are called on it
   pub struct Nut {
       // states
       objects: HashMap<TypeId, Box<dyn Any>>,
       // methods
       methods: HashMap<(TypeId, TypeId), Box<dyn FnMut(&mut Box<dyn Any>, Box<dyn Any>)>>,

   impl Nut {
       // use for storing states
       pub fn register_object<OBJECT>(&mut self, obj: OBJECT)
           OBJECT: Any,
           let key = TypeId::of::<OBJECT>();
           let boxed_obj = Box::new(obj);
           self.objects.insert(key, boxed_obj);

       // 1. Look up the object.
       // 2. Look up the method.
       // 3. Call the method with the object and the invocation argument.
       pub fn invoke<OBJECT, ARGUMENT>(&mut self, arg: ARGUMENT)
           OBJECT: Any,
           ARGUMENT: Any,
           let object_key = TypeId::of::<OBJECT>();
           let method_key = (TypeId::of::<OBJECT>(), TypeId::of::<ARGUMENT>());
           if let Some(obj) = self.objects.get_mut(&object_key) {
               if let Some(method) = self.methods.get_mut(&method_key) {
                   method(obj, Box::new(arg));

       // use for storing objects' methods
       pub fn register_method<OBJECT, ARGUMENT, FUNCTION>(&mut self, mut method: FUNCTION)
           FUNCTION: FnMut(&mut OBJECT, ARGUMENT) + 'static,
           ARGUMENT: Any,
           OBJECT: Any,
           let key = (TypeId::of::<OBJECT>(), TypeId::of::<ARGUMENT>());
           let wrapped_method =
               Box::new(move |any_obj: &mut Box<dyn Any>, any_args: Box<dyn Any>| {
                   let obj: &mut OBJECT = any_obj.downcast_mut().expect("Type conversion failed");
                   let args: ARGUMENT = *any_args.downcast().expect("Type conversion failed");
                   method(obj, args)
           self.methods.insert(key, wrapped_method);

   // The real nuts code has absolutely no unsafe code.
   // But just for readability, global data is stored as mutable static in this example.
   static mut NUT: Option<Nut> = None;
   fn get_nut() -> &'static mut Nut {
       unsafe {
           NUT.get_or_insert_with(|| Nut {
               objects: HashMap::new(),
               methods: HashMap::new(),

   pub fn register_object(obj: impl Any) {
   pub fn register_method<OBJECT, ARGUMENT, FUNCTION>(method: FUNCTION)
       FUNCTION: FnMut(&mut OBJECT, ARGUMENT) + 'static,
       ARGUMENT: Any,
       OBJECT: Any,
   pub fn invoke<OBJECT, ARGUMENT>(method_call: ARGUMENT)
       OBJECT: Any,
       ARGUMENT: Any,
       get_nut().invoke::<OBJECT, ARGUMENT>(method_call);

One thing that we should know before moving on is to be clear about a 'static bound. According to this post:

  1. If explicitly given, use that lifetime.

  2. Otherwise, it is inferred from the inner trait. For example, Box<Any> is Box<Any + 'static> because Any: 'static.

  3. If the trait doesn't have an appropriate lifetime, it is inferred from the outer type. For example, &'a >Fn() is &'a (Fn() + 'a).

  4. If that even failed, it falls back to 'static (for a function signature) or an anonymous lifetime (for a function body).

If we don't have the 'static bound right after the FnMut, we'll see a compile error as following:

   Compiling more-rust-type v0.1.0 (***)
error[E0310]: the parameter type `FUNCTION` may not live long enough
   --> more-rust-type/src/bin/
89  |         pub fn register_method<OBJECT, ARGUMENT, FUNCTION>(&mut self, mut method: FUNCTION)
    |                                                  -------- help: consider adding an explicit lifetime bound...: `FUNCTION: 'static`
102 |             self.methods.insert(key, wrapped_method);
    |                                      ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ that the type `[closure@more-rust-type/src/bin/ 101:18]` will meet its required lifetime bounds

For more information about this error, try `rustc --explain E0310`.
error: could not compile `more-rust-type` due to previous error
The terminal process "cargo 'run', '--package', 'more-rust-type', '--bin', 'type_oriented'" failed to launch (exit code: 101).

Which is saying as a trait, FUNCTION should live longer than the whole Nut struct. It's actually a function who will be registered into a Nut instance, and this function is defined before compilation, so giving it a 'static lifetime bound is therefore very appropriate.

We can learn several things from the code.

  • First, Nut is a struct holds two HashMap, one for object instances, whose key is a unique TypeId, and if you register a same type of object twice, the first one will be overrode (which mentioned by the author: "The global storage keeps only one object of each type."); another field is used for storing object's methods, so that we can invoke these methods by specifying object's type and their argument in the future. Moreover, each time invoking a method, object's type should be provided as type param to the invoke function. Otherwise, library would not know which object's method user is calling. This is quite like calling iterator .collect() method from the standard library (user should explicitly announce the type they wish to convert).

  • Second, inside methods field, Box<dyn FnMut(&mut Box<dyn Any>, Box<dyn Any>)> is used as method's signature. FnMut is more general than Fn, because it allows arguments' mutation. Furthermore, &mut Box<dyn Any> is used as input argument type, and Box<dyn Any> as output. Notice, since input argument type is &mut Box<dyn Any>, all the registered methods should be written as fn method_x(&mut self, arg: ...), and signature like fn method_y(&self, arg: ...) is not allowed to registration.

  • Last, the invoke function: using OBJECT type argument to find out the object instance, and finding out its registered method, then finally calling the method with object instance and argument instance.

Although the code solved general heterogenous storage and method calling at the time, it is still cumbersome and rough for a library crate. But no worry! Please learn more about the 'real' library Nuts written by the author.

Generalizing TypeId

In the previous two sections, the author has shown us how type IDs are useful within a single binary, and now we are going to seek things beyond the binary boundary, which means the type is totally not known at compile time.

Wait a minute, so I know the TypeId is actually a private u64, and it's given by compiler, but what effects its generation? I made a test according to the article, which says:

  • Renaming the struct
  • Renaming fields
  • Moving the definition to another module
  • Syntax changes (e.g. MyType{} to MyType)

And these changes will not change the TypeId:

  • Changing the type of a field
  • Adding methods in an impl block or through a #[derice(...)]
Click to expand the test code
  1. Renaming the struct

    fn main() {
        struct S1;
        println!("{:?}", TypeId::of::<S1>());
        // TypeId { t: 15705126685411935490 }
    fn main() {
        struct S2;
        println!("{:?}", TypeId::of::<S3>());
        // TypeId { t: 8903374546367185742 }
  2. Renaming fields

    fn main() {
        struct S {
            _v1: usize,
        println!("{:?}", TypeId::of::<S>());
        // TypeId { t: 5679131806921150377 }
    fn main() {
        struct S {
            _v2: usize,
        println!("{:?}", TypeId::of::<S>());
        // TypeId { t: 18316776490602311238 }
  3. Moving the definition to another module

    mod M1 {
    pub struct S;
    fn main() {
        use M1::S;
        println!("{:?}", TypeId::of::<S>());
        // TypeId { t: 89908796858884930 }
    mod M2 {
    pub struct S;
    fn main() {
        use M1::S;
        println!("{:?}", TypeId::of::<S>());
        // TypeId { t: 17526344372340483910 }
  4. Syntax changes

    fn main() {
        struct S;
        println!("{:?}", TypeId::of::<S>());
        // TypeId { t: 17803636430605880271 }
    fn main() {
        struct S {};
        println!("{:?}", TypeId::of::<S>());
        // TypeId { t: 6576500625851552798 }
  5. (NOT changing TypeId) Changing the type of a field:

    struct S1 {
        v: i32,
    fn main() {
        println!("{:?}", TypeId::of::<S1>());
        // TypeId { t: 3771603622093412445 }
    struct S1 {
        v: String,
    fn main() {
        println!("{:?}", TypeId::of::<S1>());
        // TypeId { t: 3771603622093412445 }
  6. (NOT changing TypeId) Changing the type of a field:

    struct S1;
    fn main() {
        println!("{:?}", TypeId::of::<S1>());
        // TypeId { t: 6307292858813541705 }
    struct S1;
    impl S1 {
        fn f() {
    fn main() {
        println!("{:?}", TypeId::of::<S1>());
        // TypeId { t: 6307292858813541705 }

According to the Rust official documentation:

While TypeId implements Hash, PartialOrd, and Ord, it is worth noting that the hashes and ordering will vary between Rust releases. Beware of relying on them inside of your code!

Apparently, TypeId isn't designed to be used sharing among many binaries. As the author's dream is to accomplish a networked dynamic publish-subscribe system, then implementing an own TypeId is therefore very necessary.

So let's take a look on how to produce an Universal type Id.

First create a trait called UniversalType, and any type that implement this trait will get a UniversalTypeId (same as TypeId for any type).

Take a glance of the implementation:

#[derive(Copy, Clone, Hash, PartialEq, Eq, PartialOrd, Ord, Debug)]
#[cfg_attr(feature = "serde", derive(Serialize, Deserialize))]
pub struct UniversalTypeId {
    bytes: [u8; MAX_UTI_BYTES],
pub trait UniversalType: Any {
    /// Raw bytes which are the result of the universal type hash

    /// A type id as  a hash over the type name and fields
    fn universal_type_id(&self) -> UniversalTypeId {

After this, a procedure macro is written out for deriving. For more details please visit the repo.

And the usage of this crate is pretty simple:

struct Person {
   name: String,
   year: i16,

fn main() {
   let uid = UniversalTypeId::of::<Person>();
   println!("Numerical value of universal type ID: {}", uid.as_u128());

Apparently, comparing to the previous work, using this UniversalTypeId to replace TypeId from standard library will give us more accuracy on the expression, such as HashMap<UniversalTypeId, Box<dyn Any>> who has the same functionality as HashMap<TypeId, Box<dyn Any>>, but is capable to distinguish types deeper. The rest of the work is all about serialize and deserialize since the memory layout of Rust is not stable, and using serialize/deserialize can ensure memory safe.

My Thoughts

After all I have read and done, I found that myself is getting closer to Rust type system. Previously, what I've learned from THE BOOK gives me a general picture of Rust type system. It introduces the type in static env, which only works for compile time, for example generic type turns to actual type after compiling, and trait object, a way to mimic same type in runtime, is unsized at compile time but with sized self annotation, so that compiler can allocate stack memory for it, and leave the rest of work on heap allocation by using a pointer. And now I've learned that Rust standard library provides us a tool to help us on dynamic type. In short, it allows us to downcast a Any type to a pre-defined trait object at runtime. Using such kind of technique can allow us to implement more creative thoughts, such as the code author shown us. I have to say, this is still a big class for me that deserves me to study type system all over again, systematically. Hopefully, I can write more articles about type system in a general way after some researches. Alright, being through a long day, I think I should probably end this, and until next time, happy coding šŸ‘‹.